Sunday, August 14, 2011

Its August 15th, lets celebrate our Independance Day

The day I can speak for years to come and the day i can be proud of. Each year the day of August 15th is so special as it shows the value of my country. During my childhood days, August 15th is just an another holiday plus chocolates and during my high schooling days, its a day to salute the sacrifices and now, its a day that tells me to take hold of my nations torch.

Everyone will get emotional thinking of August 15 in India but got to say its one of a few days where all the peoples of India get together as a nation. You can speak on and on about August 15, the only that needs to be stressed always is "United in spite all differences". The song below is always the first that comes to my mind and hope everyone remembers this song....

பிரிவின் வலி அன்பின் விளைவால் 
தோல்வியின் ஆழம் முயற்சியின் விளைவால்
வெற்றியின் மகிழ்ச்சி அவமானத்தின் விளைவால்
சுதந்திரத்தின் முச்சி தியாகத்தின் விளைவால்
ஆகஸ்ட் பதினைந்து  ஒற்றுமையீன்  விளைவால்

Yesterday, Today or Tomorrow, I am always a proud Indian. I salute all the heroes of our nation who gave their life for our breath. Lets try and work hard to equal their loses by bringing in more pride and joy for our nation. We as the people of our nation, always hold the responsibility for all the bad and good things of our nation. So, we must always stand together in spite all the difference we have from language to culture for our nation at anytime and anywhere.


Saturday, August 6, 2011

To my Friends

To be honest, i don't know where to start and from whom to start. Friendship is one thing i have always believed whether i have seen them in real life or through internet. Whatever i have now might not be the same after 5 years but i know there is something i always have even after 15 years, Friends and Friendship.

I made lots of friends but most of them came through because of needs and right so, it doesn't stayed long enough to celebrate. Even after that, there are plenty who stand me with now and to think i made lot of true friends in 20 years of my life is something i will cherish. I wasn't lucky to have a childhood friend traveling with me in life, but i still remember two, Sasi kumar and jayaprakash . Sasi was very close to me and we share lot of things including our home stories. I last saw Jayaprakash 10 years ago as i moved away from the village and Sasi 6 years ago. I wish and hope i see them one more time in my life.

If childhood is memory, then teenage is history. My school days are my best and good thing is we all keep in touch with each other even now. We still fight each other, we still mock each other and we still not praise each other in front of them and we still hide our love but we keep remembering each other. Now, college friends and i still don't know how much love its going to come when i say goodbye to them at the end of this year college thinking i will meet them again soon. Apart from these, there are lots of friends i made when i was working in browsing centers, playing cricket and through games in internet.

Friendship is so sweet that i can't express how it tasted in my life.A day will come to say goodbye to my friends and till that i celebrate my life with them.